sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Recomiendan este blog en EEUU

No me puedo creer lo que me he encontrado hoy en un blog asociado al periódico americano 'USA Today'. Además, mencionan que otro periodista de la competencia, más concretamente del 'New York Times', también ha hecho una crítica de éste, vuestro blog.
De todas maneras, ésta última crítica no la he encontrado así que, por ahora, pongo la que ha aparecido en uno de los blogs satélite del USA Today:
A recommendation

Paul Stoudemire, USA Today.
I would like to recommend you this Spanish Blog: 'Volviendo a mis producciones literarias'. There, you could find lot of poems, short stories, essays and much more contents. All of them have been written by Sr.zepa (in Spanish Sr. is the abbreviation of Mister so you can also known him as Mr.zepa).

Sr.zepa (‘z’, ‘e’, ‘p’ and ‘a’ must be written in lower case upon request of the author) is a young man who has studied computer science.  Although it doesn’t seem to be a very poetic degree, he has a complex rime, a romantic way of talk and he makes the reader feel like “a furious lord of the sea” or a scorned lover that has fall into the most dramatic hell. His literature has a lot of imagination, strength and love. But, most important, if you read his literature you are going to improve your Spanish skills having a lot of fun. 

Finally I want to use one of my colleagues (in the competition):
“When you read one of this posts, the time disappears and your mind fly away.”
Cori Bell, The New York Times

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